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SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100

SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100
לחץ להגדיל
מחיר ₪70
זמינות המוצר לברר בחנות
דגם WRL-21327
יצרנים sparkfun
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SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100


The SparkFun IN100 NanoBeacon Board offers a 2.4 GHz wireless low-energy BT beacon breakout with exceptionally low power consumption features and minimal programming required. The board features the IN100 NanoBeacon from InPlay that is compliant with several standard 2.4 GHz protocols and has several built-in configurable features for device behavior that can drastically reduce power consumption allowing for continuous operation in the field for multiple years even with a connected device. This board is a great option for wireless sensor monitoring, asset tracking, retail beacons or even making your own beacon tag for real-time location monitoring.

The IN100 can be powered by a single 3V coin cell battery so we've added a 12mm coin cell battery holder (CR1225 battery not included) to power the board. We've added a Qwiic connector to allow for easy integration into our ever-expanding Qwiic ecosystem. One side of the board breaks out the UART interface to a 0.1"-spaced through-hole header to connect a Serial Basic for serial communication. The other side breaks out four of the IN100's GPIO pins (4-7) as well as the two I/O power switch pins (SW0 and SW1). Lastly, we've included a "Notes" space on the back of the board for you to write any notes or labels to differentiate between different NanoBeacon boards at a glance.

This version is designed for applications requiring a rapid implementation with minimal assembly and modification. It includes male headers soldered to the 0.1"-spaced through-hole pins on the board and does not include the power LED or reset button as expected applications most likely will not need those two components. Users looking for a prototyping option for development on the IN100 before integrating it into a production environment may want to consider getting the SparkFun NanoBeacon Lite Board - IN100.

The InPlay NanoBeacon Config Tool allows for software-free programming of the IN100. This tool provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to select settings and configure the module removing any need to perform any tricky programming for advertising and pairing to send and receive data packets.




  • IN100 NanoBeacon
    • 2.4GHz BT Beacon module
    • Supply Voltage Range: 1.1-3.6V
    • Ultra Low Power: < 650nA in Sleep Mode
    • Beacon Modes: Proprietary, BT, Google Eddystone, and Apple® iBeacon® compliant
  • Through Hole Pins (Male headers pre-soldered):
    • 3.3V UART
    • 4 GPIO
    • 2 Switch Pins
  • Coin Cell Battery Holder
    • Fits a 3V CR1225 battery
  • 1x Vertical Qwiic Connector

SparkFun NanoBeacon Board

IN100 NanoBeacon

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SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100
לחץ להגדיל
SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100
לחץ להגדיל
SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100
לחץ להגדיל